Everything You Should Know About Lip Blush

Picture of Carly


Lip Blush

First off, what is Lip Blush? You may remember the permanent lip liner trend 10+ years ago, a very popular but more intense treatment. Luckily for all of us, permanent makeup has come a long way since then. Lip Blush, or lip tinting, is a much more subtle and natural permanent makeup lip enhancement.

Lip blushing has quickly grown in popularity. Clients love the simplicity in how it makes them look and feel. Beautiful, youthful and healthy with very little maintenance. The perks are undeniable. Read on if you’re curious what it would do for you.

Lip Blush by Carly Browness from NPCA: National Permanent Cosmetics Academy

You should consider lip blush if…


– You want fuller lips.

Lip blush is great for anyone who wants to add the look of more volume to their lips. Lip blush artists are able to add pigment to your vermillion border AKA that pale or white border around your lips. While it may not seem like much, this can make a substantial difference in the appearance of your lips, making them look fuller and more youthful. 

– You want more color in your lips.

If you’re constantly adding lip stick or lip gloss to your lips for that boost of color and a feeling of being more put together, lip blush is your dream come true. You can always have that perfect color without the worry of it wiping off or getting on your teeth. 

– You have a great shape you want to emphasize.

Lip blush highlights your natural beauty and enhances your shape. This treatment draws the eye to your lips and is the perfect emphasis for lips you love. 

– You want to look effortlessly put together.

If you want more confidence  and to feel more put together this is a great option. Your lips will look perfect anytime and anywhere. With lip blushing it’s the perfect balance to look great with a full face of makeup or standing alone. It gives a very natural feel which is appealing for many reasons.

Lip Blush

6 Reasons Everyone is Loving Lip Blush


#1 Lip blush can last up to 3 years.

Like every investment, the more care you take of it the better it will serve you. Lip blush is one investment that’s pretty easy to care for. They can last up to 3 years when you abide by aftercare rules, and maintain care for your lips. If you schedule touch ups you can keep your perfect lips going forever. 

#2 You can customize your color. 

Lip blush artists have a variety of pigments available to them in order to provide the best look to each of their unique clients. You can and should speak up about what color you like, and what kind of look you’re going for. This even means it can be as pigmented or subtle as you like. Because pigments are used and not inks each color will oxidize to match your skin tone. 

#3 It enhances shape and can add volume to your lips.

So if you want fuller looking lips but don’t want to shell out $600+ for lip injections every 6 months, lip blush has you covered. But don’t worry, you can always do both and have perfect youthful lips! If you look closely at your lips you can see that white border around your lips. Filling that in with more color can add a lot of volume to lips. 

#4 Lip blush can correct asymmetry.

If you have lips that aren’t perfectly symmetrical (like most people) lip blush can fix that. If your top lip doesn’t look as full as your bottom lip or if one side has a different shape you’ll love the results of lip blush. 

#5 You can look put together every day, with zero effort.

The thing we all love about permanent cosmetics. Giving us the ability to look our very best everyday without having to have the time to do it. Your lips will look beautiful whether you’ve just woken up, hopped out of the pool, or if you’ve been working for 12 hours straight. It will make you look and feel more presentable and put together. And if you want a bolder look, something different, or you’re just in the mood to dress up you can always add lipstick. 

#6 Healing time is short and sweet.

The healing processes for lip blush is likely the easiest of all permanent cosmetics. For most people it lasts only 3 days to a week. 

Interested in taking advantage of this beauty trend that is here to stay? Consider a career in Lip Blush! Our Lip Blushing Course requires no experience or professional license in the state of Utah. Contact us to learn more!