6 Ways To Build Your New PMU Business

Picture of Carly


Lip Blush

Starting a business in the field of permanent makeup can be exciting, but finding clients can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to attract permanent makeup clients to your business:

1. Build a professional website: A website is essential for any business, and it’s especially important for a service-based business like permanent makeup. Your website should include information about your services, pricing, and portfolio. Make sure to include high-quality photos of your work and testimonials from satisfied clients.

2. Utilize social media: Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great places to showcase your work and connect with potential clients. Post photos of your permanent makeup services, as well as behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. Use hashtags related to your industry and engage with other users by commenting and liking their posts.

3. Network with other professionals: Connecting with other professionals in the beauty industry can lead to referrals and collaborations. Attend local beauty events and trade shows, and consider joining a professional organization like the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals.

4. Offer promotions and discounts: Consider offering promotions or discounts to attract new clients. This could be a discount for first-time clients or a special offer for referrals.

5. Use word of mouth: Your satisfied clients are your best source of new business. Encourage them to refer their friends and family by offering a referral program or discount for their next service.

6. Partner with related businesses: Consider partnering with businesses that serve a similar target market, such as salons or spas. This can lead to mutually beneficial relationships and new client opportunities. 

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively attract new permanent makeup clients and grow your business. Remember to always provide high-quality services and build a strong reputation in the industry.